Rumble : Make 50$ per video


Hello people.
Im sharing with you one of the best tips to make money.

Just make videos and be paid for it. Almost 50 Dolars for each that is aproved…

Have Cats? Dogs? They love thos videos and aprove in 4 days TOP!

Want to join?


You can Tag other Videos and win 0.05 for each one. 5 is the limit per day!
Also, when you send a movie, send an email to support saying that you sent, with your nickname. title – Video License – and asking for a value.
Don’t spam with videos, they prefer GOOD and Quality!



GOT MY MOVIE APROVED. Tought it would be 50 dolars, and got instead 100 dolars!

Just check the proof and search on the website, is REAL!

Congratulations, you have just been awarded $100.00 for uploading “Unbelievable Finger Painting Created In 90 Seconds”. Our editorial staff just selected this content to be featured on our front page and promoted with our partners. If you are interested in making more money, just keep uploading your best funny pictures, funny videos and games to Rumble!

Approved Content: “Unbelievable Finger Painting Created In 90 Seconds”



Flag Counter

Free .edu email (Working for dreamspark and autodesk)

1. Go to this site: LinkNR1

2. Sign up Use Real Information or use Information from fakenamegenerator

3. Now in the Registration they want a “Alumni ID/RIN”. Write a random number between 0000217100 – 0000217900. Then click “Sign up”.

4. That’s it! Now you can get Dreamsparks ,Autodesk Software and so on, for FREE!

5. Have Fun!